work with me
Here is how you can start working with me right away, where I show you the EXACT methods I use to build multi-million dollar businesses online while maintaining my health, my joy, my inner peace and my life purpose.
Listen to this short audio where I give you the “lay of the land” here at Female Fortunes and Guide you on the best way to begin your journey to your Big Money Era.
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Get anytime access to Liana's Private Podcast: Ready Set Rich
Female Fortunes: The Energy Side of Business
Your success in business is 80% energy and 20% strategy. Here are the programs that will help you master the energy side of business.
Your Brain Wants You Broke, But Your Soul Wants You Rich
In this Masterclass you will learn EXACTLY how your brain sabotages you from getting rich, being successful, and has been keeping you stuck no matter how hard you work.
Liana teaches you the powerful strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to rewire your brain from broke brain to RICH BRAIN!
Your Millions Start Here
Take charge of your future RIGHT NOW. This next step will GUIDE YOU into the life you have only dreamed of, but can become your REALITY.
YOUR MILLIONS START HERE contains over 5 hours of content DIRECTLY from Magnetic Money Manifesting, to give you a powerful experience of the Abundance Frequency right away without having to wait.
Magnetic Money Manifesting
Join Me on a Quantum Journey to Abundance! Learn exactly how to MASTER your own personal quantum energy field if you want to make millions.
MMM is a program where you get to experience what manifestation actually FEELS like. This is critical for everyone who has never been wealthy before.
Quantum Mind Body Therapist Certification
Become a credible and successful life coach with the industry’s most ground-breaking, evidence-based, impactful education available, serving students in over 90 countries celebrating TWELVE YEARS of transforming lives around the globe.
If you loved Your Millions Start Here & Magnetic Money Manifesting, this certification will teach you how to turn these concepts into a successful life coaching career!
Female Fortunes: The Strategy Side of Business
Learn how to master authentic authority and sales, the business strategies that help you grow fast, but ethically. Learn the exact strategies that Liana Shanti has used to achieve very high levels of success in all things business, sales, and money.
Follow Your Genius—Turn Your Unique Brilliance into Bankable Success
The three step proven process for quickly finding your marketable genius so you can make bank!
Messaging Mastery
Learn how your current messaging is turning people away, and instantly learn how making three specific swaps in your messaging magnetizes your dream clients.
Audacious Authority
The Ultimate Masterclass where you will get the proven 6 point strategy to MASTERING the Audacious Authority that turns your “followers” into buyers.
Female Fortunes: Combine Energy & Strategy
In 12D BSchool you learn a NEW WAY of attracting the perfect audience, clients and buyers with ENERGY, ABUNDANCE MINDSET and FLOW.
Law of Success
Join this powerful Masterclass and access the hidden wisdom to the Universal Law of Success.
This Masterclass is also a SNEAK preview into 12D B School.
12D B School
Enroll in the Premier Online School where you learn to apply the 12 ancient laws of wealth, known only to the ultra-rich, to your 21 century business.