The Premier Business School for Enlightened Entrepreneurs And Spiritual CEOs
Have you been waiting for an opportunity to FINALLY step Out into your true light?
Are you feeling ready to truly align your life purpose with your money?
Do you feel called more than ever to put your gifts out into the world?
If yes, 12 D B School is the Business School and Training You need to finally live your destiny. If you are a spiritual seeker, a soul-based and heart-centered business person, whether you are just starting out with no clue what to do and no clear business idea, or you already have a successful business but you want more, now more than ever you are needed in this world.
Whether you a life coach, wellness coach, spiritual entrepreneur, counselor, educator, photographer, writer, artist, poet, carpenter, business owner, or even a more traditional career person like doctor or lawyer, if you landed here on this page it is highly Likely that you are being called during this incredibly powerful time in our history to excavate your gifts and share them with the world while you create abundance and prosperity in your own life.
12D B School is for You If:
You Are Ready to learn a NEW WAY of attracting the perfect audience, clients and buyers with ENERGY, ABUNDANCE MINDSET and FLOW
You HATE having to sell yourself, your ideas, your programs and your products using old school 3D tactics that just feel gross
You Are ready to work hard and put in the time to achieve your DREAMS!
You Are totally DONE with:
Struggling to create wealth
Limiting your life, travel and experiences because of money?
Going in circles wondering what your purpose is
Lacking direction with ideas that never get off the ground
Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed not knowing where to even begin
Feeling confused about what model to use for your business: Online programs? Groups? One-on-One coaching? Products? Services?
It’s time to take control back and own your future.
The Creative Entrepreneur Economy is already a $100 billion-dollar industry.
It’s projected to grow to over $100 trillion dollars in the next few years.
Online opportunities are better than ever before. There are 4 billion users on social media today, which gives you an almost endless opportunity to find aligned clients, whether your business is products, services, programs or coaching.
The majority of social media users are consumers, not creators, which means that there is radical opportunity for the small percentage(less than 5%) of actual creative entrepreneurs.
Don’t let the numbers fool you. Whether you want to have a brick and mortar business and sell products online, or you want create programs, groups, coaching services or one on one sessions online, it only takes 1000-1200 loyal customers to make six figures as an entrepreneur using social media as a tool.
Our World is Rapidly Shifting
In the past two years, we have all witnessed radical changes in the world, our way of life, and especially our financial situations.
Now is the time to create your own financial security, independent of reliance on traditional “employment” which as you saw over the past two years, is as stable as castles in the sand. And over the next 3 years, the changes will be even more dramatic and rapid.
Many in the 3D mindset are struggling to cling to the past. They are wearing rose colored glasses hoping that things “go back to the way they were.”
That’s not happening.
What is a 12D Entrepreneur?
12D Entrepreneurship means stepping into your power and no longer hiding your brilliant light from anyone for any reason. The world needs you.
12D Entrepreneurship means being willing to break through limiting beliefs about wealth, refusal to be “satisfied”, cultivating gratitude for the present with an eye on your ever-expansive abundance.
12D Entrepreneurship means aligned intention, taking action from your Heart Energy, and being able to read the energy to guide your business
12D Entrepreneurship means STEPPING UP INTO THE LIFE YOU WERE BORN TO LIVE! It means no more waiting on the sidelines watching other people achieve higher levels of abundance while you sit at home saying “success is for other people”.
12D Entrepreneurship means facing your fears about not being good enough, not being ready, needing to know more, and being inferior.
12D Entrepreneurship means building a personal brand that is fully aligned with who you ARE, not who you think you need to be, who you were told to be, or that is stuck in 3D low frequency energy and ideas.
Success Is Everywhere
90% of new American billionaires are self-made.
In 2016, there were 25 million Americans who were starting or already running their own business.
46% of small business entrepreneurs are between the ages of 41 and 56.
There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world.
30% of entrepreneurs only have a high school degree.
The Time is NOW.
What business analysts are calling “The Great Resignation” of the past two years is expected to lead to a small business revolution.
After two record-breaking years of new business creation, there’s no sign of the trend slowing down as QuickBooks projects as many as 17 million new small businesses could be set up in 2022.
"Destiny finds those who listen, and fate finds the rest."
What will you learn in 12D B School?
Law number one is about training your mind for abundance. You will learn in depth how to apply this law to your every day life with a focus on your business so that you begin living in a 12D mindset.
Examining your “why” will also be a part of this Class.
In this class we will go in depth about how the law of supply has been working against you.
You will learn how to re-shift your internal compass in order to focus on the true reality - that you were born in an abundant universe that is limitless.
The only thing blocking your claim to that abundance is in your misaligned 3D energy patterns.
In this class we will take a deep dive into what your calling actually is, and how you can translate that into a sustainable profitable business. The law of attraction is vital when it comes to your actual calling because you are always attracting who you ARE. So if you are not clear on who the 12D version of yourself is, you will forever be attracting the exact opposite of what your soul is calling for. Often that means calling either “lack” energy or “struggle” energy.
This class will be a deep dive into using your Heart Wisdom to clarify your brand. The law of receiving is at the heart of this important business principle.
The universe operates through dynamic exchange — giving and receiving.
So you first need crystal clarity with regard to your “brand” so that you give what is aligned, and therefore can RECEIVE that which is yours from this limitless universe.
One of the most miraculous and fast-acting laws once you learn how to master it.
The law of increase works with principles of alchemy and transference to turn any situation into one that can expand your reach, your offerings and your financial success.
Being an enlightened entrepreneur doesn’t safeguard you from all challenges, but learning to master the law of increase will give you the exact steps you need to turn any challenge or low frequency energy into rocket fuel to catapult your business to new heights.
Forgiveness is about letting go, letting go leads to freedom. In order to have a thriving 12D Business it is essential that you create INTERNAL freedom so that you are open to the prosperity the Divine is waiting to give you.
Lack of forgiveness keeps you stuck in “debt” consciousness. Understanding how to work with this law and apply it to your life will shift you into prosperity consciousness which will help you expand your business without struggle.
In this class we will explore the concept of what is needed in this fast evolving world. Abundance comes when you are answering a need that exists.
Once you understand this law, and how it is working in this 9 year cycle you will be able to focus in on EXACTLY what needs are not being met in the world, and why YOU are the only one who can meet very specific needs, in very specific ways.
This is absolutely essential to understand. The old school 3D model of cookie-cutter businesses, social media “strategies” and copying is a model that is dissolving rapidly.
There is endless opportunity in this world, but it won’t do you any good if you have no idea how to align yourself with the CORRECT opportunities.
This is the law you need to apply for problem solving in your business, pivoting and changing with new information, letting go of perfectionism and in how you do your marketing.
We will take a deep dive into how non-resistance is the key to growth and evolution in your business so it becomes immune to the fluctuating craziness in the world around you.
This is the law that makes all the other laws work for you.
When you attempt to misuse the laws, it eventually backfires. Taking right action and acting in integrity in all situations is vital for business success in 12D.
Anything other than right action will put low frequency energy in the energy signature of your business and will create struggle and hardship.
We will take an in depth journey into how this law works with your business practices, important boundaries and interactions with others.
This class will take a deep dive into how to use the law of gratitude to consistently increase your income, profit and success.
Specifically, I will share with you practical specific acts of gratitude which will put you into the limitless loop of prosperity.
We hear a lot about “being grateful” generally speaking. But applying the law of gratitude to your developing business to achieve more success is never taught in business schools. Until now.
This law is all about consistently moving forward, and never accepting where you are at as a stopping place.
The Universe works on the principle of growth and transformation. And to have a successful 12D business as we move further into this 9 year cycle, it is necessary that you create your business on a foundation of action and movement in the direction of your soul’s destiny.
This is the law of miracles. True miracles happen all the time, but they can’t happen in the absence of unconditional love.
Learning how to master this law will connect the energy for all the other 11 laws, and you will eventually come to EXPECT miracles.