Making Millions. Elevated.

The LIFEPROOF Results From Liana’s Work

Hi. I’m Liana

Welcome. I’m Liana, the queen bee behind Female Fortunes.

I am a former Wall Street corporate attorney who also had a 7 year career in sales (with a 76% close rate) who left that all behind to follow my true vocation which is leading women to live their best lives and heal physically, emotionally, and FINANCIALLY.

I have been an online teacher and mentor since 2012, creating several 7 figure businesses and building a student base of over 100k+ people in over 90 countries. My retention rate is 97% of customers who stick with me and join every program I offer.

And there’s a reason.

I’m the rare unicorn in the online space because I actually built several multi-million dollar companies BEFORE teaching business. The majority of the “online money gurus” are just modern-day pyramid schemes. They didn’t actually make any money online until they started telling you how to do it. What they don’t tell you is that you’d have to be willing to compromise your integrity and also become an “online money coach” in order to make a dime.

Another fact? Less than 1% of women are millionaires, and even less than that in the online space. So the few who ARE making millions? Ask them: what actual business did you scale to 7 and 8 figures BEFORE you branded yourself as a “money coach” or “wealth activator.”

I am here for the soulful entrepreneurs who want to learn exactly what it takes to Build And Scale 6, 7, And 8-figure businesses using your unique genius.

My passion is supporting the women who want it all, but who want to do it authentically. I’m here for the hundreds of thousands of women who are tired of the false promises and tired sales tactics so common in the world of “online money gurus.”

Quantum Energy + WEALTH mindset + body awareness + Strategy = The Divine feminine Path to Getting rich

These are the elements of my unique FOUR PILLAR SYSTEM that I used to go from 6 figure months to 6 figure days within 3 years, and the system that made me a peaceful and joyful multi-Millionaire.

  • My very first launch was a 6 figure launch, only 6 months after I wrote my first post on Facebook, starting with ZERO followers. And I have continued to grow exponentially.

Each new business I create becomes a literal goldmine and cash machine. Most people say I have the Midas touch, and others say I was born under a lucky star. But I am here to share with you what is actually at work behind the scenes of my incredible success.

What I do and how I have done it is UNHEARD of in the online world. I guarantee you will not find a single other online business leader who has achieved this level of success in this way.

Most people, maybe even you, feel like they can’t make money online unless they are constantly living in their dM’s, their Stories and their email inbox, and regularly doing live launches. It’s stressful, and exhausting.

But that’s only because they don’t understand the true foundational framework for building a fun and exciting business that goes viral solely through word of mouth.

I have Mastered a Very Specific Set Of Energy Tools and Skillful Strategies—strategies That I Have Never Shared With Anyone before.

and here’s the best part

For the past 12 years of building multiple multi-million dollar businesses, I have:

  • Never done a SINGLE sales call

  • Never did a single Paid Ad between 2012 and 2024

  • Never sent a single “email Sequence” to my over 100,000 combined subscribers/Followers (Not. One. in 12 years)

  • Taken 3-4 months a year of vacation with my family, without being glued to my phone. In fact, sometimes I go weeks without a single post on social media.

  • Yet my income continues to skyrocket, my businesses are all expanding, and my Community is growing exponentially. All behind the scenes.

I believe that we are in the midst of a MASSIVE renaissance, a revival of the Divine Feminine in this year of rebirth, renewal and resurrection.

And I know that my biggest contribution to the divine feminine rising at this time is to share with YOU the exact steps to build YOUR empire and live your dream life.

It’s time.

I want to share with you how it’s NOT about the algorithm, the number of followers you have, or how many staged photoshoots you have of yourself (I have zero). I want to show you step by step How you don’t need a big ad budget or thousands of dollars every month to promote your work.

I’m a true trailblazer, code-breaker, disruptor, and a fearless innovator. I don’t do what “everyone else does,” and I never have.

My results are the lifeproof that speaks for itself.

I teach what zero other people in the online space are teaching.

That’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. What I teach, cannot be found anywhere else, nor can it be duplicated. My professional experience as a Wall Street attorney, followed by my career as the top salesperson for 7 years straight earning 7 figures, followed by my 12-year multi-million dollar online empire, which includes the creation of three international schools, students in over 90 countries, combined with my mastery of Quantum Energy, puts my methods in a class all by themselves.

What I call, Quantum Class. I will share more on that in a minute.

I know with certainty that what you are about to learn here is going to change your entire life for the better. Fast.

By the time you are done reading this page, you will know that becoming a rich woman by sharing your unique gifts with the world is real, and that you will never have to be glued to your phone, work constantly, or be a slave to the “look at me” culture of social media.

I’m a code breaker, a disruptor, and a fearless innovator in ALL areas of life - not just in business.

when you take a seat at my table, a whole new world opens up to you that you never knew existed.

where wall street meets woo.

Everything I teach is premised on the frequency of Unconditional Love, the strongest frequency in the Universe. My work is Divine Feminine Energy - the most powerful energy of creation in the universe - materializing in the 3D world.

You can’t bee (pun intended) all Wall Street and no Woo. The quantum field is always responding as an exact match to the energy you embody.

Understanding how to MASTER your own personal quantum energy field is the most important skill in becoming an extremely wealthy person. Authentically.

The people who are all Wall Street and no woo are working way too hard. They’re the ones facing burnout, exhaustion, ill health, and unhappiness with their chosen path. They are operating on the distorted masculine paradigm which is still the predominant money path on earth today.

They’ve never learned or understood that the DIVINE FEMININE path to riches is paved with joy, freedom, rest time, nurturing of the self and others, and peace. I have worked with many very successful female multi-millionaires, law firm partners, and CEO’s, and they are all exhausted by life. They built their empires using the 3D masculine frequency.

And the price they paid was HIGH. Way too high for me.

Being able to nurture my children and myself, to spend time in nature every day, to be able to pray and meditate, and to trust my psychic abilities and deep intuition was my non-negotiable.

Mastering energy frequency is THE MOST important factor in building your empire if you’d rather attract, receive and magnetize - than fight, struggle, claw and “workaholic” your way to your millions.

That being said. You can’t be all woo and no Wall Street if you want to see BIG MONEY materialize in the 3D world. Some people teach all manifesting, some people teach all strategy, I teach both. And then some.

So let’s talk about money.

The money

Let’s be real. You’re here for the money. I’m a straight shooter - that’s the former New York Lawyer in me - and I save you a lot of time by talking about what matters without turning it into word salad.

Everybody wants to make millions online. But in reality, less than 1% of women ever become millionaires, period. And the percentage is even lower for women online.

But the way these online money-gurus talk, it sounds like women left and right are swimming in cash. Yeah. They’re not.

But Why?

The truth? The online “Make Money” space is mostly made up of failed life and personal coaches who decided to re-brand themselves as business and money coaches. Without having ever had an actual successful business BEFORE teaching business and money.

The next time you get an ad across your feed from one of these “mentors” ask them: “What business did you make millions in BEFORE you had your money mentoring biz? “ Don’t hold your breath waiting for a response.

They’re showing you their Paypal and stripe receipts totaling in the millions, they’re sharing highlights of the massive new muti-million dollar house they’re building or renovating, while paying a publicist to promote them in “Forbes Entrepreneurs” and “Success” Magazine, without disclosing that they WEREN’T making millions until they started talking about teaching others to make millions.

what does that mean for you?

What it means for you is that while they get rich, you struggle to figure out what you are “doing wrong.”

The thing is, you’re not doing anything wrong. You’ve just been following the wrong people. You were likely drawn into the slick sales tactics, and wishing you could be successful like them.

You can (and will) be as successful as you decide to be. But not by trying to apply the frequency of greed to an authentic business.

Let me explain.

The very small handful of women who have success using those tactics are focused on only one thing: The money. That’s no different than how it works on Wall Street - focus on the money regardless of who is harmed in the process.

In the world of money, there’s a high frequency and a low frequency way of attracting it.

Those are the women (and men) willing to teach about money online, without ever having built a successful business. They’re ONLY making millions because they are excellent at convincing people who are genuinely searching for answers, that they are an authority. Meanwhile, they’re only an authority in one thing: selling the game.

The formula? Go all in on the “look at me, pick me” strategy of endless selfies, professional photo shoots depicting a luxe life, designer clothes, exotic travels, toasting their success with bottles of Cristal, fancy cars, meet-ups with “celebrities,” and the appearance of a perfect life.

what makes my work different.


I never played “the game” because my soul has always been FAR MORE IMPORTANT to me than money.

But I LOVE money. To me money represents FREEDOM. I love what being a multi-millionaire has done for my family. I love flying my family first class all over the world. I love owning a multi-million dollar home without a mortgage. I love being able to take 3-4 months of vacation a year. I love that I can buy 6 figure cars in cash, drop $30k on a swing speed monitor my son needed for golf, and I love that I can buy first-row seats to sold out concerts, NBA playoff games, VIP suites, and MOSTLY what I love is that I can donate large sums of money to the organizations that mean the most to me - animal sanctuaries.

What makes me unique in the online money space are many things:

  • I built multi-million dollar businesses for over a decade before ever teaching online business strategies. Being a Money Mentor is not how I became a multi-millionaire. Creating REAL businesses that I still own, run and am VERY involved with, is how.

  • I teach from a place of priceless experience from my time in the power-broker world as a Wall Street Mergers and Acquisitions attorney. People with my pedigree are typically NOT online. My former colleagues are partners at the largest law firms in the world, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and investment bankers.

  • I had a 7 year career in sales after leaving New York. For 7 years my closing percentage was 76% - a number unheard of in my industry. Colleagues tried to “study” me. Not only did 3 out of every 4 of my customers buy from me, but they also remained loyal to me as their agent. Many took my family and I out to dinners whenever they returned to Hawaii and refused to buy from other agents when I was on vacation.

  • My selling style was DISRUPTIVE.

what does that mean for you?


It means that you get to learn from someone who walks the talk. Someone who has had very high levels of success in all things business, sales, and money.

Oh, and also failure. Did I mention that before I started my online business, I filed for bankruptcy due to insurmountable debt incurred by a previous relationship? Talk about brutal. That story is one for the books and is being written as we speak. I can’t wait to share with the world how I turn even the most difficult situations into PURE GOLD. (Hint, it’s one of the most powerful 12 Universal Laws of Abundance that I teach in 12D B School.)

I have it ALL now: incredible health, amazing relationships with my kids and husband, time freedom, money freedom, a multi-million dollar empire, joy, travel, inner peace and I live in paradise. I wake up when I want, travel when I want, buy what I want, and donate to every organization that speaks to my heart.

I have been LITERALLY living my dream life for many years now.

And the best part is that I LOVE what I do, I love my community, my students, and I feel deep joy when I get to witness them succeed. I want everyone to win, because in my universe, there’s no competition, only Quantum Success for everyone.

For you that means that I am the one who can teach you the authentic authority and sales, scaling strategies that help you grow fast but ethically, the grit, determination and perseverance needed to succeed online.

And I will also teach you the most PROFOUND Quantum Energy techniques in a way that will catapult your world, your universe, and your money.

I can teach you what I did during the most challenging times, how I bounced back, how I allow myself space to move through emotions, how I stayed present with my children and in my marriage through it all, and mostly, how I never lost sight of MY PURPOSE on this earth.

most people who find me, stop searching.

Often People find me after having tried every other teacher, program, “proven system", “fail proof” method and process under the sun. Literally.

And once they find me, they stop searching. Why?

Lifeproof. My teachings WORK for anyone open to learning that you are a limitless being in a limitless universe, AND with the right strategies, and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and get to work, your future, and your income, is truly limitless.

MANY of my original community members are STILL HERE from when i first started my online business in 2012.

I have THOUSANDS, yes, THOUSANDS of testimonials of people who have shared that my work has DRAMATICALLY improved their life in ALL areas: health, wealth, happiness, relationships, and parenting.

my empire building journey


My day one. It started with a picture of a red white and blue smoothie on July 4th. Prior to that, I had experienced a complete breakdown in my body from lyme disease, which lead to a high dose of antibiotics for many months, made worse by 90 hour weeks in Fluorescent lights, a lot of coffee, and a lot of really late night dinners. That turned into serious weight gain and candida. I pored over the research after doctors telling me “there was nothing wrong” with me. that led to what became a mission in discovering the Answer to how to actually fully heal myself. Which I did. i created the worldwide best-selling (to this day) “Heal candida now” because I knew millions of women were suffering in the exact ways I once was, and I knew i had the answer.


“My heal candida now” program was such a runaway success BECAUSE IT WORKS. That led to more health based programs, which then led me building the world’s first and only plant based health coaching school in 2014, HMI Nutrition. HMI is a school with students who are board certified medical doctors, registered dieticians, pharmacists, and professional athletes, all looking to learn nutrition science From me. we also have many young, Recent College Graduates, stay-at-home moms, and people looking to tap into the trillion dollar (and growing) health coaching industry with proven protocols and teachings.


I launched a weekly forecast and message to an Initial Small subscriber base. this year, 2024, marks my ELEVENTH YEAR of delivering consistent messages to an exponentially larger (and growing) subscriber base all over the world. My Illuminations messages provide guidance, insight, support and love to people in over 90 countries. Several times a month. Every month.

I also created energy programs for inner child healing: mother wound, father wound, and healing from narcissistic relationships, among others. over 30 programs total.


I created 12D B School, where ancient long-lost truths meet with the 21st Century digital age. we focus on the application of the 12 Universal Laws as they apply to the wealth frequency. This groundbreaking school what paved the way for female fortunes to come to life.

I launched my own app, Liana.Life in march 2024 - home to all of my Schools, programs, membership groups, illuminations forecast, my podcast and my community.


One month later I launched what has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon: Magnetic Money Manifesting. a 9 day immersive experience that has created a tidal wave of abundance, joy and so many new quantum businesses.

And three months after that, HMI nutrition school made a quantum leap with a massive expansion to become HMI wellness. our new quantum mind-body therapist certification program is a life coaching industry disruptor. along with specialist certifications in autoimmune health, hormone health, children’s health, heavy metal detox and others.

Here is how you can start working with me right away, where I show you the EXACT methods I use to build multi-million dollar businesses online while maintaining my health, my joy, my inner peace and my life purpose.

sign up for my secret podcast. it’s free.